The Law of Attraction – Give in order to receive
(Photo/Quote credit to
How we think impacts our day and ultimately our health more so than any other practice.
Sometimes it feels tough to get into a mental thought process that is conducive to being happier for the day because “stuff” gets in the way.
When this happens, this is what I recommend you do – when you can’t get out of your own head, then start the process outside of it… with others.
When you start helping out a friend or being kind to someone else, it makes being kind with yourself so much more natural.
The law of attraction: what you push out, you pull in.. practise practise practise… the more you practise kindness with others, the more kindness finds you. This act of altruism also enables you to take a well-earned rest from the “stuff” that might be going on with you. Think of it as a little holiday! I can guarantee when you have even a very small mental break from tough times, it helps you heaps by allowing you to breathe during the break and think more clearly about what you need to do when you return.
If you want to know more about Bio Energetic Synchronisation Technique and the Six Essentials of Life, plus watch live videos and information, feel free to email me on or follow BEST Studio on Facebook
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